One ongoing area of side projects for me has been game development. It's an area which I've often found interesting, and while the only games I've completed so far have been small games for Ludum Dare with the deadline hanging over, I've often had a few larger side projects running around.
In general for these side projects, I tend to write a lot of the lower level code myself, mostly because it's something that I enjoy learning about. Part of this means that I can't just rely on the framework or engine rendering my game correctly, and instead need some way to test it. Unit tests clearly aren't enough here, while they can verify that I'm calling the functions I expect, they really can't verify that this results in something cohesive being rendered to the screen.
Inspired by tools that exist in my day job of web development like Percy, I decided to take the approach of comparing screenshots taken to reference screenshots.
For some reason, I was under the impression that Factorio had used a similar approach and detailed it in one of their FFF blogs, but when researching for this blog post, I was unable to track this down. They certainly perform integration testing but it appears screenshots are not involved.
Getting the screenshots
The first step in this challenge was to obtain the pixel data of the currently rendered game. The game in question is using OpenGL, and luckily, OpenGL provides a function to read back the current framebuffer, in glReadPixels.
For this example, I'm using Rust, and the libraries which I use to wrap OpenGL don't provide a safe wrapper around the low level library, so I need to duck into unsafe code.
type XrayResult<T> = ;
Obtaining an image buffer
So. let's break this function down. The first step is to create a buffer for our pixel data to be stored in when read from OpenGL.
let mut img = new_rgba8;
let pixels = img.as_mut_rgba8.unwrap;
let pixel_buffer_ptr = pixels.as_mut_ptr as *mut c_void;
The first step here is to create a DynamicImage
of the appropriate size. This enum is used as the main type
for images in the image
crate. Specifically, we're going with rgba format pixels, simply because it
makes some of the maths easier later.
The next step is to get the image buffer for our newly created image. Since we have our pixels in rgba
format, we use the as_mut_rgba8
call. This returns an Option
, as if you were handling arbitrary
images, the pixels could use a different format and you would need a more expensive conversion
to get them in this format. However, as the image was just created on the previous line, we can simply
If OpenGL was a Rust library, then we could stop there. However, since it's a low level API and
its bindings are defined in C, we need to obtain a void *
for the buffer to pass to OpenGL.
We can use the as_mut_ptr()
method to get a pointer to the buffer, which we then cast to the appropriate type
for OpenGL. (Similarly, our image API works in terms of unsigned integers, but OpenGL is defined
in signed integers, so we need to convert our unsigned integers to signed integers).
Reading pixel data from OpenGL
The next two calls are where we interact with OpenGL itself.
PixelStorei ReadPixels;
The first call to glPixelStorei
configures the PACK_ALIGNMENT
. This is used to describe how pixels are
laid out in memory. To cut it short, a value of 1
indicates that there is no padding between rows in the image,
and consequently the raw image data is stored in memory without any
special treatment. Some image formats and optimization techniques may rely on rows being
aligned on specific byte values, but the image
crate expects no padding in its image buffer,
so we tell OpenGL to produce image data in this format.
The next call is the actual call to glReadPixels
The first four parameters are simply an offset
and dimensions for the area actually captured, relative to the bottom left of your framebuffer.
The fifth and sixth parameters reference the format pixels are written in. RGBA
means that each pixel
has all four components, and UNSIGNED_BYTE
indicates that each component is a unsigned number
in the range 0-255. Effectively, this gives us a buffer with 32-bit RGBA
image data.
The final parameter is the pointer to the buffer where the image data ultimately gets written.
let error_code = GetError;
if error_code != NO_ERROR
Error handling in OpenGL is handled by the glGetError()
function. This returns either the
constant GL_NO_ERROR
or an error code if an error occured. We map this to a more
Rust-like error handling scheme by returning an Err
if an error code was returned by the underlying API,
or an Ok(DynamicImage)
if the call succeeded.