In the last two parts, I covered using flakes for two different types of output: packages and developer environments. This time I'll cover a third type of output - runnable commands. These are what power the nix run command that you've seen a few times throughout the series, and now you will find out how to get this functionality for your own flakes.

Automatic nix run from packages

The first way that you can get a run configuration from your flake actually may not require you to do anything at all. If you don't add a custom run configuration to your flake, then it'll first build the package for your selected flake output (or default if you don't choose one). Then it'll look in that package's binary folder for a binary which has a name matching the package name.

To see this in action, let's focus in on the flake from part 7. For a reminder, here is the flake code, with two extra comments to highlight the relevant parts:


  inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-22.05";

  outputs = {
  }: let
    system = "x86_64-linux";
    pkgs = import nixpkgs {inherit system;};
  in {
    packages.${system}.default =
        src = ./rust-hello;
        # The package name without the version is "rust-hello"
        name = "rust-hello-1.0";
        inherit system;
        nativeBuildInputs = [pkgs.cargo];
        buildPhase = ''
          cargo build --release
        # The binary output is at $out/bin/rust-hello
        installPhase = ''
          mkdir -p $out/bin
          cp target/release/rust-hello $out/bin/rust-hello
          chmod +x $out

Because building this package produces a binary called rust-hello in $out/bin, and this matches the package name of rust-hello, if you nix run this flake, it will already work. You can try it with the following command:

> nix run "gitlab:tonyfinn/nix-guide?dir=7-flakes/simple"
Hello, world!

This is also how running cargo from nixpkgs worked in part 7 when that cargo init command was used.

Customizing the binary to run

However, if you try the same with the debug package:

> nix run "gitlab:tonyfinn/nix-guide?dir=7-flakes/multiple-outputs#debug"
error: unable to execute '/nix/store/12jm5znakhc7qccfhld4ak5l71aird0w-rust-hello-debug-1.0/bin/rust-hello-debug': No such file or directory

Because the package name of this variant is rust-hello-debug, it looks for a binary with that name, but the actual binary produced is called rust-hello. Since Nix's guessing fails here, you can tell it what the "main" binary is by setting meta.mainProgram on the derivation.

# Rest of flake omitted
    debug = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
        src = ./rust-hello;
        name = "rust-hello-debug-1.0";
        inherit system;
        nativeBuildInputs = [pkgs.cargo];
        meta.mainProgram = "rust-hello";
        buildPhase = ''
            cargo build
        installPhase = ''
            mkdir -p $out/bin
            cp target/debug/rust-hello $out/bin/rust-hello
            chmod +x $out

Full flake

The meta attribute provides information about a derivation that is not used by the derivation itself, but by other programs or people looking for information on it. One of these programs is nix run.

Now if you try running this updated version, you should see the following:

# Or just `nix run` to run your local copy
> nix run "gitlab:tonyfinn/nix-guide?dir=9-runnable-flakes/runnable-debug#debug"
Hello, world!

Completely custom run configurations

meta.mainProgram is a great option when you have a package to run which is named differently to its binary, but in some situations you may want even more control over what happens. For example, you might want to add a run configuration to run a static web server for dev purposes.

To add a run configuration not tied to a built package, you can use the apps key of a flake. This takes two keys, type, and program. type must be set to app - at the moment this is the only supported type of run configuration. program is set to the path to a binary to execute.

This latter argument poses a complication - the binary is invoked with only the user specified arguments, but for this kind of usage you may want to prefill some or all arguments. One solution to this is to use pkgs.createShellApplication to make your command into a shell script.

For example:

    apps.${system}.default = let
      serv = pkgs.writeShellApplication {
        # Our shell script name is serve
        # so it is available at $out/bin/serve
        name = "serve";
        # Caddy is a web server with a convenient CLI interface
        runtimeInputs = [pkgs.caddy];
        text = ''
          # Serve the current directory on port 8090
          caddy file-server --listen :8090 --root .
    in {
      type = "app";
      # Using a derivation in here gets replaced
      # with the path to the built output
      program = "${serv}/bin/serve";

Full flake

From here you can run nix run and visit http://localhost:8090/flake.nix, where you should see the contents of your flake.

That's it for this section, next time I'll cover some smaller extra features of flakes, including standard places to put tests and ways to make flakes that run on multiple systems more easily.