In the last section I discussed creating your first derivation, which allows you to make a first nix package. As you might have noticed, the default execution environment is incredibly barebones, to the point that you needed to include such fundamental tools as chmod and cp. If that process had to be repeated by every Nix user, it would be very inconvenient. Luckily, there is nixpkgs, which provides a number of packages that the community has already built, along with the standard environment which includes a number of tools to use in building your own. You may remember installing some of these packages in part 3.


The first item from the standard environment I'm going to discuss is stdenv.mkDerivation. This is a function that is an enhanced version of the built in derivation. It provides a number of advantages over using derivation directly:

  1. It does the bootstrapping for you ensuring you have a decent minimal environment to build on. The full list of packages can be seen in your current nixpkgs manual, but it includes things like GNU coreutils, bash, tar, gzip, etc. The bash shell is used as the default interpreter for shell scripts, compared to derivation which only promises a bourne compatible shell.
  2. It provides an easy way to add extra dependencies to your specific derivation and includes them in the path so you don't have to use the $cp, $chmod variables in the scripts like was required last time.
  3. It provides a default builder which runs in bash and does a ./configure && make installation, with some variables that lets you override parts of it without having to write a whole new script.

Here's a modified version of the "hello world" derivation from the last part.


let pkgs = import (fetchTarball "") {};
in pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
    src = ./;
    name = "hello-1.0";
    system = "x86_64-linux";
    dontUnpack = true;
    installPhase = ''
    cp $src $out
    chmod +x $out

Here fetchTarball is a function from nix's builtins that downloads a tarball from the internet and stores it in the nix store. The code then calls import on the returned result. import evaluates the downloaded value as nix code and then assign the result object to the pkgs name. The variable name pkgs is customary for nixpkgs, so you may see it used in docs without explaining where it comes from.

In the call to mkDerivation, there are the following differences to the builtin derivation example from last time:

  1. There's no builder provided - in this example the standard builder provided by the stdenv is used, with one phase that is overridden from the .nix file.
  2. The installPhase option is what overrides this one phase. The script is included inline using Nix's multi-line strings, which are signified with the doubled up single quotes.
  3. The dontUnpack attribute also tells the builder not to try unpack the source. Since most software sources have more than one file, the standard builder defaults to treating the src as an archive and trying to unpack it. Here the src is just a shell script, so that unpacking is not required.
  4. Inside the standard environment, items like cp and chmod are just available on the path, so they don't need to be explicitly passed - the script just uses them as in regular command line use.


Now that there's no longer a need to rebuild the world inside each derivation, it's time to start a more challenging package, one that needs some dependencies. Let's take an example of a Rust version of the hello world program from before. Even if you've never written Rust before, and don't have any Rust toolchain you can use Nix to get everything needed.

First get Cargo, Rust's build tool/package manager from Nix and have it scaffold a Rust project for this example.

nix run nixpkgs#cargo init rust-hello

You will see a download progress bar as it downloads cargo from the nixpkgs cache, then it runs that cargo command with the rest of the arguments, as if you had run cargo init rust-hello with a locally installed version. Unlike nix profile install, the downloaded version of cargo isn't kept around permanently - it will be deleted at the next GC.

Cargo will then generate two files. Conveniently, when you generate a new rust project, it prefills in a hello world program to get you started.


name = "rust-hello"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

# See more keys and their definitions at



fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

Now it's time to write a derivation to produce a build output from this.

The first new feature needed is a new argument to stdenv.mkDerivation. This argument is nativeBuildInputs. This is used to download dependencies that need to run on the system building the package, and produce output suitable for the system intended to run the package.

nativeBuildInputs = [pkgs.cargo]

The second new feature used is that the script now overrides a second phase of the standard builder, the buildPhase. As the name suggests, this is where you should run commands to build your software. In this case cargo build --release is the command to build an optimised version of a rust program. Since pkgs.cargo was added to the nativeBuildInputs section, cargo is available on the PATH of the build script.

buildPhase = ''
    cargo build --release

Finally, this time the script places the output in $out/bin rather than copying it direct to $out. This is because stdenv puts the $out/bin directory onto the path of anything declaring this package as a dependency, so by placing the binary here it will be on the path of anything that uses this as a dependency.

installPhase = ''
    mkdir -p $out/bin
    cp target/release/rust-hello $out/bin/rust-hello
    chmod +x $out

Putting all of these together, the final derivation is below


let pkgs = import (fetchTarball "") {};
in pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
    src = ./rust-hello;
    name = "rust-hello-1.0";
    system = "x86_64-linux";
    nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.cargo ];
    buildPhase = ''
      cargo build --release
    installPhase = ''
      mkdir -p $out/bin
      cp target/release/rust-hello $out/bin/rust-hello
      chmod +x $out

Other builders

stdenv.mkDerivation is the foundational tool for working with derivations in Nixpkgs, but there's also a library of other builders for common languages and use cases. For example, rather than build the derivation for the first shell example manually, the nix expression could have used the pkgs.buildShellApplication builder.

In this case the updated shell derivation would be as follows:


let pkgs = import (fetchTarball "") {};
in pkgs.writeShellApplication {
  name = "hello";

  text = ''
    echo Hello World

You can also see the Nixpkgs manual on languages and frameworks to see if there's any builders or utilities for your preferred programming language.

Next time, I will cover flakes, one of the biggest changes to Nix packaging ever, and the foundation of a lot of the newer methods of interacting with Nix.